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Want More Return on Your Marketing Spend? Check out our new Chime 360° Marketing Package

Written by Chime Blog Team | Apr 6, 2023 6:24:55 PM

Every real estate professional engages in marketing efforts, but are those activities driving the quality leads you want and the conversions you need?

Our new 360° Marketing Package is ready to help! We’ve combined our high-intent lead generation capabilities with Chime’s proven conversion tools and the secret sauce: automation. You’ll have access to Chime’s Social Studio Pro, Comparative Market Assessment (CMA) tool, even our AI Assistant – all designed to provide you with a comprehensive lead-generation program that can turn more buyer and seller leads into real opportunities, while also maximizing your return on marketing spend.

Plus, with Chime 360°, our internal team of marketing experts will craft a custom strategy that employs multiple campaigns and advertising programs, all working together to engage prospects at different points throughout their real estate journey.  Each package can be customized to your unique needs and offers the flexibility to determine which elements of the marketing mix – Facebook, Google PPC, YouTube, Geofarming and more – are right for your business. 

Did we mention we’re also a Google Premier Partner? That means we know a thinking or two about how to drive marketing campaign success for clients. As one of the top three percent of all providers, let us show you how our proven Google Ads skills and expertise with certifications can benefit your marketing efforts.

For more information on how Chime 360° can maximize your marketing spend and push high-intent buyers through the funnel, visit: https://learn.chime.me/360-degree-marketing-program.